ASL live-drawing class October 2015: 1minute drawings
Empathy drawing class
Sketches, Jan-March 2015:
Radio, pencil case
Single line, Studio
At the Coffee Counter
Day-glo Orange Hoodie
At Lion & Bright
She was golden
sketchbook drawing
My view – Cape Breton 2015
Naga Trail Rocks, July 2014. Rain Sketches.

Halifax Common, June 2014
them and their ilk
How I was feeling after a few days of summery weather at Karme Choling
Brunswick Maine. It was raining. I had been driving a lot.
Golden tablecloth just beyond the shadowy foyer.
warm enough for sandals
Some things from the sketchbook, April 2014.
I reached into the coffee to find the scoop, the cool granules swallowing my hand. Later I noticed dark moons on my fingernails.
Old leather things
Parker Pie, W. Glover, VT
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